We believe that with treatment, anything is possible.
If you are seeking inpatient services please click here.
You can do this. Recovery Starts Now.
Valley Cities Behavioral Health Care has provided behavioral health care services to people of all ages for over 50 years. Through the ongoing support of our community, Valley Cities delivers compassionate care through 12 comprehensive outpatient clinics throughout King County. We offer licensed mental health counseling and substance use disorder treatment for all ages; homeless outreach services and housing programs; and specialized services that deliver counseling and family support to veterans and their families. Valley Cities serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
1-2-3 Steps to start your recovery.
For virtual telehealth appointments using a computer or smart device, please see these recommendations for how to prepare for your remote intake assessment.

Call and speak with one of our screeners.
Our first call helps determine your eligibility for mental health, psychiatric or substance use services at Valley Cities. Our team is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at (253) 833-7444.

Review eligibility requirements.
On the phone, you’ll go over eligibility requirements, learn what you’ll need to bring with you for your intake visit, and answer any questions you may have. If you require an interpreter, or have special needs, please let us know. For SUD Assesment information see below.

Come in to any of our neighborhood clinics for an intake assessment.
Intakes are available Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., though availability may vary. Check which location is nearest you and call ahead for availability.
Intake Forms
The Intake Specialist will review these forms with you at your appointment:
Download Intake Packet
(All documents)
Additional Forms
These forms are provided to you for your information and to inform you of your rights. Please review them before your intake appointment and let the Intake Specialist know if you have any questions.
1. Client Handbook
1.1 Manual del Cliente
2. What You Can Expect From Your Counselor
Deparment of Health Document
3. Notice of Privacy Practices
Valley Cities
4. Notice of Privacy Practices
King County
7. Mental Health Program Brochure
Valley Cities

Assesment Schedule
Triage clinic open from 8:30AM-10:00AM
Assessments are completed on a first-come, first served basis. Please call in advance to ensure eligibility at (253) 833-7444
(Monday through Friday from 7:30AM – 6:00PM).
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Assessments
If you are in need of a substance use (or chemical dependency) assessment, Valley Cities offers centralized Telehealth (phone or virtual) and limited in person assessments.
Walk-In Process:
- Doors open at 8:30 a.m. at all locations. Please arrive promptly.
- You must bring your picture ID.
- Please bring current prescriptions.
- Clients are seen on a first come, first serve basis.
- Clients are screened before being seen to ensure required documentation is available.
- Clinic check in times are between 8:30am-10:00am or until all assessment blocks are filled.
- SUD assessments are completed during the walk-in assessment clinic days listed in the chart above. Assessments may be completed In-person, Telehealth, and/or by telephone.
Additional Information:
If the assessment is for a DUI or similar driving-related legal proceeding, you must provide all of the following documents or you may not be seen:
- Criminal History
- Driving Abstract from Department of Licensing
- Police Report (Including BAC if applicable)
- Court and Attorney contact information
- If the assessment was recommended by DOC or due to any court order, you will need to provide a copy of that court order.