Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Seminars

What is a Wellness Recovery Action Plan?

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan is an evidence-based, personalized wellness and recovery program where individuals are equipped with the tools they need to:

  • Help prevent intrusive and troubling thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

  • Empower themselves to take control of their wellness

  • Set up a support network for crisis situations

  • Help improve their quality of life

  • Set goals and achieve them

Every WRAP is uniquely designed and implemented by participants as it is their program. Wellness Recovery Action Plans are based in self-determination.

WRAP planning also includes Crisis Planning that lets others know how they can respond when an individual cannot make decisions, take care of themselves, or keep themselves safe.

How does WRAP work?

WRAP is a self-directed wellness tool anyone can use to get well, stay well, and make their life more the way they want it to be. It’s a simple and powerful process for creating the life and wellness one wants. WRAP workshop participants identify tools that help with everything from maintaining everyday routines to dealing with challenges, setbacks, or crises. The workshop provides a support system and increases participants’ support circles.

WRAP has been well researched and is an evidence-based practice (EBP). It is proven to help people feel less stress, more confidence, better able to talk with care providers, and more in control of their personal wellness. In WRAP, we believe there are no limits to wellness. In 2010, WRAP was recognized by the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as an EBP.

To arrange training seminars for your or organization in your area or for group pricing of buy 3 get 1 free please send an email to WRAPTRAINING@VALLEYCITIES.ORG

Wellness Recovery Action Plan I

2 Day Seminar


As of 2024 WRAP Seminar I Valley Cities staff are now trained in the new Advocated for Human Potential (AHP) Curriculum. To make W.R.A.P more accessible we now offer WRAP Seminar 1 virtually and providing 508 compliant material for those who are hearing/Visually impaired. During this 16-hour course you will be making your own WRAP plan using the 5 key concepts;






Every WRAP is uniquely designed and individualized by participants. WRAP planning also includes Crisis Planning that lets others know how they can respond when an individual cannot make decisions, take care of themselves, or keep themselves safe.

Wellness Recovery Action Plan II

3 Day Seminar

$1000/Person: First Time Training

$500/Person: Refresher

This in-person seminar gives participants the skills, knowledge, and materials to facilitate WRAP Seminar I in their community or organization. To become certified WRAP Facilitators, participants in Seminar II participate in interactive learning activities, learn how to facilitate the structure of WRAP, illustrate their personal experience with WRAP, and show understanding of WRAP ethics and values.

**NOTE: To register for WRAP Seminar II you must have first completed WRAP Seminar I.

Upcoming Wrap Seminars

WRAP Seminar I: $300

DATE: February 13TH-14TH


Location: Virtual

WRAP Seminar II: $500/$1000

DATE: January 22ND-24TH

TIME: 9:00AM-5:00PM

Location: Valley Cities Auburn

2704 I St NE, Auburn, WA



WRAP I Registration

WRAP II Registration

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