What is Phoenix Rising?
Valley Cities’ Phoenix Rising program provides 24 single occupancy units for homeless young adults, ages 18-25, needing permanent supportive housing. Understanding that homelessness is first and foremost a housing crisis, Valley Cities’s allows for broad access to services with few disqualifiers. Phoenix Rising is not simply housing for these young people.
Phoenix Rising combines housing with the specialized services that young people need to successfully transition from homelessness to independent living. These services include case management, peer mentorship, job training, classes to promote independent living, and personalized support. In addition, residents can be linked to behavioral health services and primary care at our adjacent Auburn clinic, and connected to other appropriate services through their Care Team.

The Recovery Cafe at Phoenix Rising
On site, the Recovery Place Café at Phoenix Rising provides a safe and welcoming atmosphere where young adults in recovery from substance use, mental health symptoms, trauma, and homelessness can come to engage in daily activities promoting a sober and healthy lifestyle.
Phoenix Rising residents have Café membership and can receive daily meals at no cost as well as participate in community events, connect with others, receive resources and support, utilize computer/internet services, and gain training and skills. The on-site Café offers a vocational training program that combines job training applicable to employment, restaurant operations and customer service, as well as the hands-on learning of food services operations, meal preparation and barista training.
Eligibility for Phoenix Rising
Participants’ rental amount must be approximately 30% of their income.
Individuals must be between the ages of 18-25.
Eligible participants must be referred through King County’s Coordinated Entry for All Referral and Assessment System
Interested individuals can go here for help.
Not elligible for Phoenix Rising? You may be elligble for housing at Valley Cities Landing below.