Homeless individuals and families are often passed over for housing because of low or no income, debt, previous evictions, substance abuse, acute physical and mental disabilities, criminal histories, and systemic prejudices. At Valley Cities, we see the strength and resilience of these people and their great potential for housing stability. From street outreach to signed lease agreements, our homeless and housing services staff are alongside each individual and family supporting them in every step of their journey towards independence.
Families First
Families First provides outreach, intensive case management, mental health and substance use treatment services, rapid crisis response, resource connection, and additional support to high needs homeless families in King County. The primary goal of the program is to assist families in achieving and maintaining housing stability and to reunify families that have been separated by Child Protective Services. Referrals come through Coordinated Entry for All or Department of Children, Youth, and Families/Child Protective Services case workers.

Homeless Service Enhancement
Homeless Service Enhancement (HSE) assists participants in searching and applying for housing with private landlords who will rent to homeless families. Using a housing first-approach for high needs homeless families who would be traditionally screened out due to drug and alcohol dependence, past or current felony convictions, and ongoing mental health issues, HSE works to help in securing and maintaining housing through case management and rental subsidies. On any given day the program houses 22 families.
Housing Stability Project
We partner with Solid Ground, a community organization based in Seattle, to provide housing stability services in one-on-one meetings between a case manager and client household to assess needs. Services include developing realistic and client-centered budgets and action plans, providing resource referrals and information, and negotiating with property owners and attorneys. Financial assistance is also available to assist the household in stabilizing in housing. King County supports us with client assistance funds to serve 55 households annually.

Pathways First
The Pathways First is a housing and services program designed for homeless families with children with a history of homelessness and barriers to re-establishing permanent housing.

Phoenix Rising & Valley Cities Landing
Located in Auburn, Phoenix Rising is a program that provides housing for homeless young adults aged 18-25, combined with specialized services needed to successfully transition from homelessness to independent living.
Valley Cities Landing features Our 24-unit permanent supportive housing project dedicated to serving individuals with mental illness and a history of homelessness, who are otherwise unable to stay housed.

Eligibility and Access
We work to secure housing for our clients in Valley Cities-owned properties, as well as through managed leases with landlords. We accept referrals only through King County’s Coordinated Entry for All program (unless otherwise stated). Availability varies by program, and a referral does not guarantee housing. Please follow up with your local Valley Cities Team for more information regarding the referral process.