Substance Use care at Valley Cities.
Valley Cities Behavioral Health offers Washington State-Certified Substance Use Disorder Treatment for adults ages 18 and over.
Our Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Co-Occurring Disorders (COD) treatment services are based on the concept of recovery. Your recovery is a personal process to achieve wellness, built on hope, healing and overcoming stigma. Our team of multi-disciplinary clinicians will support you as you rebuild your life. You will become empowered as you progress in your recovery journey.
Treatment Services and Resources
Valley Cities offers both inpatient and outpatient SUD treatment options. An initial assessment helps us determine the nature and severity of the substance use disorder, whether you have a co-occurring disorder, and recommend the appropriate services and supports.
Valley Cities serves both individuals who are court ordered and those that have made the decision on their own or with their family to seek treatment. You may be recommended to inpatient or outpatient services depending on a variety of factors, including current substance usage and severity, your recovery environment, and continued use potential, among other factors.
Your care team will be assembled based on needs and preferences. Following are a variety of different services available at Valley Cities:
Assessments & Referral: Valley Cities’ treatment staff will meet with you to provide an initial assessment prior to making any treatment recommendations. SUD assessments are available at our Auburn, Kent, Meridian, and Federal Way clinics.
Individualized Recovery Planning: Your clinician will work with you to develop goals in various areas such as developing a positive recovery environment, taking care of medical dental and nutritional issues, managing legal issues, dealing with cravings and more. The plan is yours to build and carry out, with your clinician’s support. It will be regularly reviewed and as goals are met, they will be celebrated and new goals developed, until you are ready to carry out your recovery outside of a structured treatment environment.
Substance Withdrawal Management (DETOX): Substance Withdrawal Management services are short term (2-5 day) medical inpatient stay for people who need support to withdraw from substances of abuse such as opioids, amphetamines, and alcohol.
Inpatient Services: If you are recommended to inpatient treatment, your clinician will complete and submit a referral to King County for approval and assignment of a treatment program and bed date. Our staff will help you prepare to go to inpatient treatment. Once you complete inpatient treatment, you are ready to join our outpatient treatment services.
Outpatient Care: We provide an array of outpatient SUD services at Valley Cities, including outpatient, intensive outpatient, treatment groups, and individual sessions. You may move between levels of care depending on the progress of your recovery.
Mental Health Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders: Many people with an addiction may also experience mental health symptoms. As recommended, your Care Team may include mental health clinical case managers and therapists.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): For individuals with alcohol or opioid use disorders, MAT can help reduce or eliminate cravings and reduce the ability to ‘get high’ from opioids. MAT is most effective when combined with outpatient SUD treatment.
Community Supports: Your team can make referrals to connect you with a variety of community supports, such as Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA), AA and NA, and Al-Anon.
Relapse Prevention Treatment and Aftercare Support: Once you complete treatment and are in recovery, we can provide once a month support to assist with relapse prevention, skills development and continued counseling.