Contact and Hours
For more information on Mobile Clinic services and locations please contact:
Rose Baldridge, Mobile Clinic Director
(253) 833-7444
(206) 823-4615
Alt Phone
8:30AM - 5:00PM
- Screen and assess for ongoing mental
health and/or substance use treatment. - Information and referrals for DSHS
benefits, housing, transportation,
employment, & health care. - Linkage for low barrier, harm reduction based, Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder.
- Assistance with accessing telehealth services.
- Support and Advocacy.
- Health Education.
- Naloxone overdose prevention training and kits.
About Valley Cities Mobile Clinic
The Valley Cities Behavioral Health Mobile Clinic extends its services to diverse locations within rural King County. Our outreach-based clinicians provide a client-centered, harm reduction approach to enhance accessibility to prospective clients in need of integrated behavioral healthcare services. In collaboration with community-based resources, we provide a comprehensive array of services that mirror the offerings of a traditional brick-and mortar clinics.
We can also help people connect to other community services including:
A doctor’s office that can provide follow-up care.
Mental health care, including counseling.
Substance abuse counseling and treatment via a harm reduction approach.
Enrollment into health insurance.
Enrollment into ORCA LIFT transportation assistance.
Referrals to shelter, food banks, legal assistance and domestic violence programs.
For other local community resources please call 211.
Mobile Clinic Calendar
For inquiries about the mobile clinic please email or call (206) 823-4615.
The mobile clinic is funded in part by King County.